As a mechanical engineer, one of the most exquisite qualities I find about the human body is its ability to maintain constant temperature at 98.6F - Homeostasis.
I've been studying this and it turns out that this is regulated by the same neurotransmitters that control mood, thought, and motion:
Seratonin - Activates metabolic heating, impacts PD:
- Competes with priority against dopamine for enzymes.
- Too much causes hyperthermia, fever, tremor (dopamine is preoccupied to cool you).
- PD is 30 to 50% worse in late spring and summer.
- too much mao inhibitor can cause Seratonin to build up.
Dopamine - Activates cooling
- causes vasodilation, sweating.
- If preoccupied by its role in cooling, the shortage causes tremors.
- Too much causes hypothermia.
- when too cold, gets converted to norepinephrine.
Norepinephrine - Activates heating when hypothermic.
- Converted to adrenaline.
- causes shivering, increased heart rate, vasoconstriction.
So since dopamine get drawn into the fight for both heating and cooling, it's super important to stay warm but not hot and cool but not cold.
So where is the thermostat?
What prevents the Seratonin switch from being left on?
What foods and supplements help?
I am looking in to this.
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