"The use of alternative therapies by patients with
Parkinson’s disease" by authors Pam R. Rajendran, BA, Richard E. Thompson,
PhD and Stephen G. Reich, MD
http://www.neurology.org/content/57/5/790.shortThe paper explained that only 40% of Parkinson's patients tried any complimentary therapies.
This is baffling considering the substantial improvements I saw, and methods I followed and explain in my book - for example.
Does conventional medicine have a "Stockholm Syndrome" effect on patients?
Don't be discouraged by your physicians from trying complimentary therapies... contary to that thinking you're not rejecting your diagnosis or conventional medicine - you're just "Getting Complimentary". And feeling better!
God Bless
Glen Pettibone
Glen, your work is inspirational, you have done an amazing amount of research and interpreted the complex into simple explanation .... Since reading your book I have written my own and am soon to publish , aimed at those newly diagnosed and outlining my experience along with advice and motivation. I've acknowledge your work and refer people to it in the book. I'm taking on what I have read in your book, thanks so much for sharing with everyone what you have found.