Just two weeks after hearing my March 11, 2014 radio interview with Dr. Robert Rodgers at www.parkinsonsrecovery.com , a man wrote:
"I live in Western Australia and have had PD symptoms for about 8 years. I have avoided Neurologists and am self medicating myself! A few weeks ago I listened to your very inspirational talk on Robert Rodgers radio show. Since then I’ve been, morning and night, blending a whole Chinese Eggplant into some apple juice or green health smoothy and drinking it. I have reduced my Sinemet daily dose from 3+ tablets per day, to 2 tablets per day. Yesterday, my wife told me that she felt my walking was the best it had been for more than a year. So Glen, I wish to thank you for sharing your amazing discovery and journey, and would highly suggest you write a book about your adventures!"
Then this kind man offered the following recipe:
" Chinese Eggplant Smoothie Recipe
First make the green smoothie by blending the following ingredients:
Whole Fresh apple with skin
LSA (Ground Linseed, sunflower seeds and almond)
This green looking thick solution can be refrigerated for a few days.
Then each morning, chop up a whole Chinese Eggplant (skin and all) and blend into a glass of green smoothie, diluting with water if too thick.
Drink right away through a straw before the eggplant oxidises.
Another recipe I have used which is simpler, is to blend the whole eggplant into dilute apple juice and then drink with a straw. "
If any of you have come up with successful recipes, please post here.
God Bless,
Glen Pettibone