Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Cinnamon May Halt Progression of Parkinson's

As I mention in my book, I never leave the house without cinnamon.
New findings suggest it may halt the progression of the disease:
Cinnamon also helps regulate blood sugar, which has been shown to place demand on avaiable dopamine:

Do you have "sugar comas"? Watch out :-)

God Bless,


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Possible Parkinson's Treatment: University of Saskatchewan professor Jeremy Lee demonstrates that nicotine and caffeine when combined prevent alpha-synuclein misfolding!

Here is one of many great links to this remarkable finding:

Please note:  In my book I explain how I incorporate strong dietary sources of both nicotine and caffeine, as wells as many critical micronutrients.


Glen Pettibone

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Friday, August 22, 2014

Success in Ireland! Another report of improved walking.

A woman in Ireland reports:
"I've just walked 3 miles on beach after 3 egg plant juices today. I usually walk better on the beach but in last 6 months stopped doing it. So the fact I felt able to do it is very positive"

I you have stories of improved mobility from solanaceous veggies and the other foods I've incorporated - please post here.

God Bless,


Report of Another Improved Color Vision in California!

A woman in California who's been trying many of the foods indicated in my book wrote yesterday:

"I am still doing the foods, although not quite the amounts that you are doing.
It is a blessing that I found that vaporizer. I see what you mean about the colors,
even the TV looks a lot more colorful and brighter! :-)"
Although I'm sticking to the foods and not the nicotine vaporizer, apparently we have another color vision restored from the Parkinson's-induced tritanomalia!
If you have stories of vision recovery with solanaceous foods - post a comment here.

God Bless,

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Success in Australia! Recipe for Chinese Eggplant Smoothie:

Just two weeks after hearing my March 11, 2014 radio interview with Dr. Robert Rodgers at , a man wrote:

"I live in Western Australia and have had PD symptoms for about 8 years. I have avoided Neurologists and am self medicating myself! A few weeks ago I listened to your very inspirational talk on Robert Rodgers radio show. Since then I’ve been, morning and night, blending a whole Chinese Eggplant into some apple juice or green health smoothy and drinking it. I have reduced my Sinemet daily dose from 3+ tablets per day, to 2 tablets per day. Yesterday, my wife told me that she felt my walking was the best it had been for more than a year. So Glen, I wish to thank you for sharing your amazing discovery and journey, and would highly suggest you write a book about your adventures!"

Then this kind man offered the following recipe:

" Chinese Eggplant Smoothie Recipe
First make the green smoothie by blending the following ingredients:
Whole Fresh apple with skin
LSA (Ground Linseed, sunflower seeds and almond)
This green looking thick solution can be refrigerated for a few days.
Then each morning, chop up a whole Chinese Eggplant (skin and all) and blend into a glass of green smoothie, diluting with water if too thick.
Drink right away through a straw before the eggplant oxidises.
Another recipe I have used which is simpler, is to blend the whole eggplant into dilute apple juice and then drink with a straw. "
If any of you have come up with successful recipes, please post here.
God Bless,
Glen Pettibone

Monday, August 11, 2014

Listen to my hosted radio show "Sunday Connections" at:

Dr Robert Rodgers was very kind to invite me to host this episode which aired Sunday August 10, 2014.

I was able to convey some of my latest knowledge base regarding successful dietary treatment of Parkinson's.

Also visit

God Bless

Monday, August 4, 2014

The e-book is now available on Amazon - click the image above!

Saturday, August 2, 2014