Saturday, May 21, 2016

Greatest Hits: Links to All My Webcasts to Date

It has been very rewarding to help others with Parkinson's by sharing my story.  Here are links to the webcasts I've done so far:

Interview With Dr. Robert Rodgers, March 11, 2014
Here's the link to my original March 11, 2014 radio interview with Robert Rodgers. 

Sunday Connections, September 28, 2014
Not long after the release of my book.

Event Page:

Sunday Connections, December 7, 2014
I covered status and topics from my book.

Event Page:

Sunday Connections, May 17, 2015
Aunt Bean and Glen Pettibone discussed foods that help minimize and heal PD. 

Event Page:

Additionally, checkout Aunt Bean's page at:

Sunday Connections, October 18, 2015
I spoke about my progress with my anti-PD diet and my latest addition, Rock Steady Boxing.

Event Page:

Sunday Connections, March 20, 2016
A team effort with Holly Hughes.  It was an information-packed program, don't miss!

NOTE:  Due to technical difficulties, our program began about 9 minutes 20 seconds into the recording.  Please fast forward to that point.  Click to the Event Page below.

Event Page:

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

An Introduction And Open Letter To My New Friends On Facebook

Warm greetings and thank you for accepting my friend request.
Most of you don't know me from Adam.  My name is Glen and I am an engineer, scientist, and consultant.
In 2008, at the age of 39, my left index finger began shaking.  By 2011 I was diagnosed with "Parkinson's Disease" (PD), an idiopathic bucket diagnosis, really just a classification of symptoms stemming from a myriad of causes.  The symptoms generally consist of tremors, rigidity, and slowness of movement.  The symptoms are for awhile responsive to medications that replace the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain, as it is thought that an area in the midbrain called the substantia nigra is no longer producing adequate dopamine to properly control movements.
By 2013, I was taking massive doses of drugs and they were recommending brain surgery.  The surgery would not stop the disease, and I viewed it as dangerous and unpredictable.
With the thought of two 6mm holes being drilled through my brain in order to facilitate more years of drugs, I decided it was time to get exceedingly clever.  As Matt Damon's character in "The Martian" exclaims upon being marooned on Mars - "Well I guess I'll have to science the s--t out of this!"
I did so.  I made some really important observations about diet, exercise, and sunlight that were just being overlooked, but yet were as simple as a walk in the sun to the supermarket.  This raised the question in my mind as to whether my observations, focusing on nervous system health and performance, would just help everyone.
As a result I've reduced my medications by 95% and avoided brain surgery for almost 3-1/2 years now.  I also got rid of acid reflux, digestive disorders, allergies, asthma, and problematic cholesterol.  I have better energy and lost over 40 pounds.  I've been in the top 5 out of 500 employees in my firm for going on 4 years now.
And my first thought was to begin helping people by getting the word out.  So I wrote a book entitled "Powerful Food And A Walk In The Sun", which is available on Amazon Kindle.  I also post important observations on this blog, and I do regular blog-radio shows through .  I know I've helped hundreds, perhaps thousands.  Nothing negative.
The book has been selected by the World Parkinson's Congress for the 2016 convention in Portland Oregon.
I asked to be your friend because since 1 in 200 people develop it, you all know someone who has it.  I selected many of you because you have PD, clearly knew someone with PD, or were a part of a PD advocacy organization.  Many of you just appeared interesting-at-first-sight, and there's room in the lifeboat (LOL).

Thank you again, and God bless you all,

Glen Pettibone

Friday, May 6, 2016

Looking Forward To Starting Over

Lately I've been feeling well enough that I forget about all this sometimes.  I start cherishing thoughts of rebeginning my life. And I've done some creative things these days that taste like starting over.  Even loved in ways I'd forgotten.

If I could crack the problem of my dystonias left over after most of the PD is gone, I might just walk away from this mess.  Then I could tell everyone about that.

There's precious little data about dystonias.  It appears an even more shadowed bucket "diagnosis" than PD.

Anyone know anything?

God Bless All Of You,

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

World Parkinson's Congress Puts Powerful Food In The Book Nook

The World Parkinson's Congress has select my book for the Book Nook at the WPCs conference this September in Portland, Oregon.  I will be attending but not presenting.

For more about the conference, go here:

Also, sign up for our mailing list to here news about the upcoming juice pilot program from Aubergine Juice (cofounded by me).

God Bless